Vas deferens的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Vas deferens的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦G’Schwind, Stephanie (EDT)寫的 Beautiful Flesh: A Body of Essays 和Horiguchi, Toshihiro (EDT)的 Biological Effects by Organotins都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站vas deferens - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com也說明:vas deferens Add to list Share. Definitions of vas deferens. noun. a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立陽明交通大學 藥理學研究所 邱士華所指導 許温妮的 Prime Editing 在人類多能幹細胞衍生的呼吸道類器官中修正囊腫纖維化無意義突變 (2021),提出Vas deferens關鍵因素是什麼,來自於囊性纖維化、囊性纖維化跨膜電導調節器、無意義突變、誘導多能幹細胞、呼吸道類器官、常間回文重複序列叢集關聯蛋白、先導编辑。

而第二篇論文國立成功大學 心理學系 胡書榕所指導 黃聖渝的 利莫那班和大麻二酚調節古柯鹼相關記憶之效果:大麻素受體第一型以及多巴胺受體第二型之參與 (2020),提出因為有 大麻素受體第一型、大麻二酚、古柯鹼場地制約偏好、學習與記憶、內側前額葉皮質、腹側被蓋區、多巴胺受體的重點而找出了 Vas deferens的解答。

最後網站Function Of Vas Deferens - Byjus則補充:Vas Deferens Function. The vas deferens, also referred to as the ductus deferens, is a muscular tube like structure found in the spermatic cord forming the main ...


除了Vas deferens,大家也想知道這些:

Beautiful Flesh: A Body of Essays

為了解決Vas deferens的問題,作者G’Schwind, Stephanie (EDT) 這樣論述:

Selected from the country's leading literary journals and publications--Colorado Review, Creative Nonfiction, Georgia Review, Prairie Schooner, Crazyhorse, The Normal School, and others--Beautiful Flesh gathers eighteen essays on the body, essentially building a multi-gender, multi-ethnic body out o

f essays, each concerning a different part of the body: belly, brain, bones, blood, ears, eyes, hair, hands, heart, lungs, nose, ovaries, pancreas, sinuses, skin, spine, teeth, and vas deferens. The title is drawn from Wendy Call's essay "Beautiful Flesh," a meditation on the pancreas: "gorgeously u

gly, hideously beautiful: crimson globes embedded in a pinkish-tan oval, all nestled on a bed of cabbage-olive green, spun through with gossamer gold."Other essays include Dinty W. Moore's "The Aquatic Ape," in which the author explores the curious design and necessity of sinuses; Katherine E. Stand

efer's "Shock to the Heart, Or: A Primer on the Practical Applications of Electricity," a modular essay about the author's internal cardiac defibrillator and the nature of electricity; Matt Roberts's "Vasectomy Instruction 7," in which the author considers the various reasons for and implications of

surgically severing and sealing the vas deferens; and Peggy Shinner's "Elective," which examines the author's own experience with rhinoplasty and cultural considerations of the "Jewish nose." Echoing the myriad shapes, sizes, abilities, and types of the human body, these essays showcase the many fo

rms of the genre: personal, memoir, lyric, braided, and so on.Contributors Amy Butcher, Wendy Call, Steven Church, Sarah Rose Etter, Matthew Ferrence, Hester Kaplan, Sarah K. Lenz, Lupe Linares, Jody Mace, Dinty W. Moore, Angela Pelster, Matt Roberts, Peggy Shinner, Samantha Simpson, Floyd Skloot, D

anielle R. Spencer, Katherine E. Standefer, Kaitlyn Teer, Sarah Viren, Vicki Weiqi Yang Stephanie G’Schwind is the editor of Colorado Review and the director of the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University. She edited the anthology Man in the Moon: Essays on Fathers and Fatherho

od and is the series editor for the Colorado Prize for Poetry and co-editor, with Donald Revell, of the Mountain West Poetry Series. She has worked in the publishing industry (literary, scholarly, and educational) for more than twenty years.

Prime Editing 在人類多能幹細胞衍生的呼吸道類器官中修正囊腫纖維化無意義突變

為了解決Vas deferens的問題,作者許温妮 這樣論述:

囊性纖維化 (CF) 是一種影響囊性纖維化跨膜電導調節器 (CFTR) 基因的遺傳性疾病,導致許多器官的外分泌腺出現並發症。它通過破壞細胞間的離子平衡來阻礙器官功能,進而致粘液在受影響的器官中積聚,尤其是在人類呼吸道中。在眾多突變中,攜帶無意義 CF 突變的患者對 CFTR 調節劑的反應不佳。因此,基因編輯已被用作一種新方法,為那些對傳統療法無反應的人量身定制個性化解決方案。另一個挑戰是開發一種與纖維化肺環境非常相似的合適的疾病模型。在本研究,我們專注於採用跨領域的方法來嘗試在體外 CF 中進行基因治療。本研究應用的技術包括細胞重編程和常間回文重複序列叢集關聯蛋白(CRISPR/Cas9)系

統。首先,我們建立了患者個人化誘導多能幹細胞 (iPSC) 株,隨後用於呼吸道類器官建立疾病模型,我們所建立的呼吸道類器官呈現正常生理特定細胞,例如基質細胞、分泌細胞以及纖毛細胞。使用呼吸道類器官作為特殊模型,在 CF 患者特異性 iPSC 中執行 CRISPR/Cas9 介導的先導编辑。我們的研究結果表明,iPSC 細胞株適合作為疾病模型中的細胞資源。此外,呼吸道類器官在結構和功能方面都與疾病相關。然而,患者 iPSC 中的先導编辑結果並不顯著,需要進一步優化先導编辑的引子設計。總而言之,目前的研究結果表明,這項研究的延續有希望作為基因治療領先地位,並可作為開發治療 CF 突變的基因療法的模


Biological Effects by Organotins

為了解決Vas deferens的問題,作者Horiguchi, Toshihiro (EDT) 這樣論述:

This book provides an overview of the induction mechanism of imposex caused by organotin compounds in gastropods, as well as fundamental information on the physiology and biochemistry of reproduction in mollusks. Are the sex hormones of gastropod mollusks vertebrate-type steroids, or neuropeptides?

What about lipid disturbance and membrane toxicity due to organotin compounds? The book also discusses the latest findings on the role of nuclear receptors, such as retinoid X receptor (RXR), retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), in the development of im

posex in gastropods. Further, it describes the current state of contamination by organotins in the marine environment and gastropod imposex, with a special focus on Europe and Asia, introduces readers to analytical techniques for organotin compounds, and assesses the contamination and adverse effect

s of alternatives to organotin-based antifouling paints.Imposex, a superimposition of male genital tracts, such as penis and vas deferens, on female gastropod mollusks, is known as a typical phenomenon or consequence of endocrine disruption in wildlife. Imposex is typically induced by very low conce

ntrations of organotin compounds, such as tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) from antifouling paints on ships and fishing nets. Reproductive failure may be brought about in severely affected stages of imposex, resulting in population decline and/or mass extinction. Thus, gastropod imposex has

been recognized as a critical environmental pollution issue. Although gastropod imposex is also highly interesting for the biological sciences because of its acquired pseudohermaphroditism and/or sex change by certain chemicals, such as TBT and TPhT, the mechanism that induces the development of im

posex remains unclear, possibly due to our limited understanding of the endocrinology of gastropod mollusks. This book offers a useful guide for professionals and students interested in the fields of aquatic biology, invertebrate physiology, ecotoxicology and environmental science. Toshihiro Horig

uchi, Ph.D. Head, Ecosystem Impact Research Section, Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, JAPAN


為了解決Vas deferens的問題,作者黃聖渝 這樣論述:

古柯鹼 (cocaine) 是一個心理興奮劑,具備高度成癮性進而影響成癮者的健康和生活機能,因此關於古柯鹼成癮的治療,一直是臨床上很關心的議題。當古柯鹼成癮者接觸到壓力、古柯鹼相關情境或古柯鹼藥物本身時,容易使既有的古柯鹼相關記憶再次被提取,造成病患強烈的心理渴求以及求藥之行為。因此,我們要如何壓抑甚至抹除病患對古柯鹼的相關記憶,進而避免重複用藥,乃是本實驗的最大目標。我們實驗室過去發現,在雄性小鼠身上系統性給予或是在內側前額葉皮質微量注射利莫那班 (rimonabant),對於低劑量和高劑量古柯鹼引發場地制約偏好記憶 (cocaine-induced conditioned place p

reference, CPP) 有雙向調節的效果。我們首先探討利莫那班調節古柯鹼記憶是否透過大麻素受體第一型 (cannabinoid receptor type 1, CB1) 來達成。接著,我們探討利莫那班對雄性小鼠之古柯鹼記憶調節效果是否藉由多巴胺受體第一型和第二型 (dopamine receptor D1、D2) 來達成。第三,我們將光遺傳學技術應用在多巴胺合成酵素酪氨酸羥化酶 (tyrosine hydroxylase, TH) 之基因轉殖鼠 (TH-Cre mice) 上,探討利莫那班調節古柯鹼記憶是否透過腹側被蓋區 (ventral tegmental area, VTA) 投

射到內側前額葉皮質 (medial prefrontal cortex, mPFC) 之多巴胺神經迴路來達成。最後,由於利莫那班在臨床使用上產生許多副作用,如噁心、焦慮以及增加自殺風險等,因而限制了其臨床應用性,我們進一步研究在臨床上已證實具備抗焦慮和治療癲癇等功能之大麻二酚 (cannabidiol, CBD),是否可以取代利莫那班來調節古柯鹼記憶。我們的研究結果發現,利莫那班對於低劑量古柯鹼 (10 mg/kg) 的場地制約偏好有促進效果,此重複了我們實驗室過去的研究發現,我們進一步發現大麻素受體第一型受體的促進劑WIN 55,212-2 (WIN) 可以阻斷利莫那班的記憶促進效果,我們因

此推論大麻素受體第一型CB1至少參與在利莫那班的記憶調節效果。此外,利莫那班損害高劑量古柯鹼 (20 mg/kg) 場地制約偏好之記憶,但當我們單獨施予WIN時,對於高劑量古柯鹼場地制約偏好記憶也產生損害,因此當WIN和利莫那班同時給予時,WIN無法反轉利莫那班之記憶損害效果。我們接著發現,在低高劑量古柯鹼相關記憶上,系統性或在內側前額葉皮質微量注射多巴胺受體第一型D1拮抗劑 (SCH23390, SCH) 或多巴胺受體第二型D2拮抗劑 (sulpiride, Sulp),僅有Sulp會阻斷利莫那班的記憶調節效果,此一結果證實了多巴胺受體第二型D2參與在利莫那班的記憶調節效用。我們接著發現,使

用光遺傳學技術興奮TH-Cre小鼠之腹側被蓋區 (VTA) 投射到內側前額葉皮質 (mPFC) 的多巴胺酬償迴路可以有效抑制利莫那班促進低劑量古柯鹼之記憶;然在高劑量古柯鹼記憶之實驗,由於利莫那班在TH-Cre小鼠身上無法複製先前之損害效果,因此興奮此一迴路之效用無法顯現。最後,我們發現,大麻二酚與利莫那班相似,雙向調節了低高劑量古柯鹼場地制約偏好之記憶。我們接著檢視大麻二酚是否也透過大麻素受體第一型CB1來達到其調控效果,結果發現,WIN可以有效抑制大麻二酚在低劑量古柯鹼相關記憶之促進效果;然而,儘管 WIN單獨使用時抑制了高劑量古柯鹼,WIN依然有效回復了大麻二酚的記憶抑制效果,由此可推論
