Indigenous native的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Indigenous native的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Estes, Nick寫的 Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance 和的 Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep History都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站ANTaR |也說明:ANTaR is an independent, national network of organisations and individuals working in support of Justice, Rights and Respect for Aboriginal and Torres ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

環球科技大學 公共事務管理研究所 李純誼所指導 林菊美的 跨文化溝通對原住民部落發展影響之研究- 以太巴塱部落為例 (2021),提出Indigenous native關鍵因素是什麼,來自於太巴塱部落、跨文化溝通、部落發展。

而第二篇論文國立嘉義大學 森林暨自然資源學系研究所 張坤城所指導 盧雅恩的 雪霸國家公園觀霧地區歸化植物之研究 (2021),提出因為有 觀霧、歸化植物、外來種侵略性評估系統的重點而找出了 Indigenous native的解答。

最後網站How to include Indigenous researchers and their knowledge則補充:Researchers from Native American and Indigenous communities explain how colleagues and institutions can help them to battle marginalization.


除了Indigenous native,大家也想知道這些:

Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance

為了解決Indigenous native的問題,作者Estes, Nick 這樣論述:

How two centuries of Indigenous resistance created the movement proclaiming "Water is life"In 2016, a small protest encampment at the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, initially established to block construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, grew to be the largest Indigenous protest mo

vement in the twenty-first century. Water Protectors knew this battle for native sovereignty had already been fought many times before, and that, even after the encampment was gone, their anticolonial struggle would continue. In Our History Is the Future, Nick Estes traces traditions of Indigenous r

esistance that led to the #NoDAPL movement. Our History Is the Future is at once a work of history, a manifesto, and an intergenerational story of resistance. Nick Estes is a citizen of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe and an Assistant Professor of American Studies at the University of New Mexico.

Indigenous native進入發燒排行的影片

Pemung Jae, extended version.
Day 12 of quarantine in my hometown, Kuching, Sarawak.
Pemung Jae is also on my first album "Flight"


Apple Music:

Chill music
Study music
Lofi, lo-fi

跨文化溝通對原住民部落發展影響之研究- 以太巴塱部落為例

為了解決Indigenous native的問題,作者林菊美 這樣論述:



Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep History

為了解決Indigenous native的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Everywhen is a groundbreaking collection about diverse ways of conceiving, knowing, and narrating time and deep history. Looking beyond the linear documentary past of Western or academic history, this collection asks how knowledge systems of Australia’s Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders can

broaden our understandings of the past and of historical practice. Indigenous embodied practices for knowing, narrating, and reenacting the past in the present blur the distinctions of linear time, making all history now. Ultimately, questions of time and language are questions of Indigenous sovere

ignty. The Australian case is especially pertinent because Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are among the few Native peoples without a treaty with their colonizers. Appreciating First Nations’ time concepts embedded in languages and practices, as Everywhen does, is a route to

recognizing diverse forms of Indigenous sovereignties. Everywhen makes three major contributions. The first is a concentration on language, both as a means of knowing and transmitting the past across generations and as a vital, albeit long-overlooked source material for historical investigation, to

reveal how many Native people maintained and continue to maintain ancient traditions and identities through language. Everywhen also considers Indigenous practices of history, or knowing the past, that stretch back more than sixty thousand years; these Indigenous epistemologies might indeed challeng

e those of the academy. Finally, the volume explores ways of conceiving time across disciplinary boundaries and across cultures, revealing how the experience of time itself is mediated by embodied practices and disciplinary norms. Everywhen brings Indigenous knowledges to bear on the study and meani

ng of the past and of history itself. It seeks to draw attention to every when, arguing that Native time concepts and practices are vital to understanding Native histories and, further, that they may offer a new framework for history as practiced in the Western academy.


為了解決Indigenous native的問題,作者盧雅恩 這樣論述:

雪霸國家公園觀霧遊憩區自然景致十分豐富,而近年來因遊客量之增長,增加外來植物歸化及入侵之風險。本研究於2020年1月至2021年7月對遊憩區及相關林道、步道進行規劃植物調查研究,設置樣區以了解樣區兩年間之改變,最後以歸化植物侵略性評估表進行評估,並提出防治管理與建議。調查結果觀霧地區植物共記錄136科393屬760種,其中外來植物有27科70屬85種,占11.1 %,包含栽培植物記錄到20科31屬36種。歸化植物共記錄到13科40屬49種。以禾本科(Poaceae) 17種,種數最高,其次為菊科(Asteraceae) 13種。以原產溫帶地區者為優勢,占全部種數的58.8%。類地毯草(Axo

nopus affinis)覆蓋面積最高,達286.01 m2,其次為大扁雀麥(Bromus catharticus),達160.95 m2。樣區調查結果顯示兩年間植群並無顯著差異,可能需長期之監測,本研究所設立之永久樣區可提供未來植物族群監測為所用。侵略性評估的部分,以大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa var. radiata)、昭和草(Crassocephalum crepidioides)、大扁雀麥等物種現況總分最高,代表其潛在侵略性高。觀霧地區歸化植物所擴散之範圍僅限於人為活動頻繁的地區,為避免危害擴張,建議逐步移除入侵植物並建立原生植被替代被占據之棲地,並長期監測族群的擴散狀況
