line企業的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

line企業的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Noble, David,Kauffman, Carol寫的 Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High 和的 Transform Behaviors, Transform Results!: Identifying and Using Key Behavioral Indicators to Drive Sustainable Change and Improve都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站台灣人壽也說明:企業 專區 · 銀保/經代專區 · 業務同仁專區 · 企業永續 · EN ... 趴踢ALL DAY 龍. 早鳥500名直送LINE POINTS 50點,再抽iPhone14! 更多活動 ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

亞洲大學 經營管理學系碩士在職專班 詹雅嵐所指導 張正燊的 探討便利商店社群經營績效研究-以彰化地區全家便利商店為例 (2021),提出line企業關鍵因素是什麼,來自於LINE 群組經營、全家便利商店、層級分析法、理想解相似度順序偏好法。

而第二篇論文國立中山大學 行銷傳播管理研究所 張榮華所指導 王芊樺的 以關係型態的觀點探討 LINE官方帳號訊息對購買意願和品牌態度 (2021),提出因為有 行動通訊、廣告目標、關係型態、購買意圖、品牌態度、社群媒體行銷的重點而找出了 line企業的解答。

最後網站【東京直擊】LINE如何成為全球最賺錢的app企業? - 天下雜誌則補充:免費的服務怎麼攢出錢來?LINE做了最好示範。去年營收突破352 億元台幣的它,其實只是一個五歲小娃,靠著貼圖、遊戲、企業帳號、角色經濟, ...



Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High

為了解決line企業的問題,作者Noble, David,Kauffman, Carol 這樣論述:

The best leaders, in the biggest moments, know how to read the situation, respond in the best way possible, and move forward. You can too.The hardest part of leadership is mastering the inevitable high-risk, high-stakes challenges you will face. Whether you’re making a split-second decision when

your business is hit sideways or finding the best strategy to navigate business-critical long-term circumstances, how can you be at your best in the most crucial moments?It starts with overcoming your leadership reflexes and reactions to find the optimal response to any situation, which you can lear

n to do. Leadership coaching legends David Noble and Carol Kauffman show you how with their innovative new framework--MOVE--which equips you to slow down high-stakes situations before they speed you up. You’ll learn to master the moment, generate options, and quickly evaluate them before acting. As

you get better and better using the framework, you’ll find you can recognize these moments as they arrive, like a great quarterback who can read defenses at the line of scrimmage, or a great conductor who anticipates what’s needed to deliver a great performance.Noble and Kauffman are a dream team wh

o bring decades of experience coaching thousands of leaders, along with a deep base of research, to show why their unique 2-on-1 coaching method works and how it’s done. The framework comes to life through the personal stories of real leaders dealing with their own crucible moments. It’s a compellin

g and demystifying look at how leadership coaching delivers results.When the stakes are highest, how can you be at your best? Start by learning this powerful and innovative framework so that you can read and respond--and keep moving forward.








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為了解決line企業的問題,作者張正燊 這樣論述:

1979年7-11首次進入台灣,1988年進入便利商店百家爭鳴的時代,至2020年止,全台灣的便利商店數已達11000家,密度僅次於南韓。便利商店365天24小時不打烊模式、幾乎每店提供寛敞舒適的休憩空間以及食衣住行育樂無所不賣的商品,這樣的形態徹底改變台灣人的消費習慣甚至生活習慣。然而,少子化衝擊(人口老化及人口負成長)、各業種業態間的界限日趨模糊、再加上2020年起Covid-19 因素讓便利商店每日實體來客大幅下滑。來客銳減加上消費形態改變,讓便利商店面臨前所未有的危機。Change or die,各大便利商店開始思考拓展能增加營收來客的「數位渠道」。隨著科技進步、智慧型手機普及,20

18年起全家部份門市開始用手機的LINE 即時通訊軟體,將實體店面附近的客人,邀入自建的單店群組,形塑成另一個虛擬賣場。本研究透由8個評估準則,結合AHP及TOPSIS分析法,尋找一個可評核指標,以多準則決策矩陣,來評比全家便利商店南彰化地區45個門市,呈現各群組經營績效的優劣,進而將此分析結果及建議,供後續店舖經營參考用。希望後疫情時期,便利商店經營環境愈加艱難之際,能另外挖掘一條渠道引水注入。

Transform Behaviors, Transform Results!: Identifying and Using Key Behavioral Indicators to Drive Sustainable Change and Improve

為了解決line企業的問題,作者 這樣論述:

When trying to embed changes or new mindsets and behaviors, organizations tend to focus on following a particular methodology rather than clearly defining the underlying behaviors that will deliver the sustainable behavioral change and align the thought processes that drive the behaviors-whether

their intent is to continuously improve safety or overall risk management or achieve a sustainable growth and improvement trajectory.The key role of leadership teams is not to deliver results. It is to inspire and own the organizational culture that delivers the expected results. If culture is owned

by HR, it is doomed to be another thing leaders have to do on top of their day job. Business leadership teams must oversee defining and managing organizational culture and have HR coach the capability of leaders to cast the right leadership shadow by role modeling the right behaviors, rewarding the

right behaviors in their teams, and providing clarity on expectations around behaviors for all leaders and employees.The most challenging part of any performance-improvement implementation is the identification of key behavioral indicators (KBIs). The purpose of this book is to assist with that cha

llenge and make "behaviors" easier to understand and identify.The book defines and describes the importance of focusing on the behaviors necessary for sustainable change rather than focusing on the tools and methodology behind change management. It discusses multiple lenses of change including Lean,

Six Sigma, Agile, Risk, and Customer Experience and also addresses the weaknesses of complying solely with the methodology and tools. It proposes a behavioral framework to suit each particular lens.This book begins with reasons most continuous improvement programs fail to deliver the expected resul

ts. More importantly, it discusses embedding the newly described mindsets and capabilities into the business. The book concludes by providing leaders a roadmap and a coaching framework for how to align and embed their new behavioral framework at all levels, starting from the front-line worker up to

the CEO.Essentially, this book leads the reader through the process of understanding the concept of defining behaviors and the difference between them and tools/methodology. It introduces KBIs for leaders to define and drive the desired behaviors at all levels. This will increase the probability of

sustainability for the improvement initiative by focusing on and maturing the behaviors these initiatives are trying to drive.

以關係型態的觀點探討 LINE官方帳號訊息對購買意願和品牌態度

為了解決line企業的問題,作者王芊樺 這樣論述:

LINE 的官方帳號是近年來 LINE APP 功能的新興議題,因為 LINE 所研發的群組功能擁有即時性、資訊性;在商業功能部份,因 LINE 官方帳號的上架,企業紛紛藉由 LINE 官方帳號的社群功能,進行產品推廣和服務的行銷。據觀察,目前對於 LINE 官方帳號在訊息廣告內容與消費者行為的研究甚是少見。有鑑於此,本研究以 LINE 官方帳號的廣告訊息內容,加以整理歸納三種類型為背景,探討不同消費者人際關係型態(共有型、交換型)下,對購買意圖與品牌態度的影響。本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,共收回有效樣本問卷共計706份,針對訊息類型、關係型態、購買意願與品牌態度之間的測量,探討自變項和應

變項的關係之外,並觀其關係型態的中介效果。本研究結果發現,LINE官方帳號的訊息類型都正面影響共有型關係型態,共有型關係型態達到間接影響的效果,並進一步促進購買意願、提高對品牌態度正面影響。而交換型關係型態對LINE的新品訊息呈現不顯著,新品訊息無法達到交換型關係型態的需求,對於購買意願、品牌態度無顯著影響,但是LINE的促銷訊息、知識訊息對交換型關係型態和共有型關係型態一樣,都有顯著的正向影響,也達到間接的效果。 因為國人使用LINE有的高黏著度,本研究以商業性的LINE訊息類型透過關係型態的間接效果,提供建議給使用中或即將使用LINE官方帳號行銷的企業,可以針對不同類型的消費者,有效調整行
