Skin Eros的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Skin Eros的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Pérez, Patricia寫的 Yo sí que cocino / I Do Cook: Recetas sanas, sabrosas y fáciles 和Han Kang的 The Vegetarian都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站[Skin Eros 依洛絲冰點無痛淨毛儀]夏天美體好幫手/白皙皮膚 ...也說明:櫻桃之前在社團裡看到秒殺團購機就是Skin Eros依洛絲冰點無痛淨毛儀了. 今天就要來開箱介紹這台除毛不求人的淨毛儀!! 一收到當下覺得也太美了.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺灣大學 藥理學研究所 林琬琬所指導 邱鈴雅的 Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1調控巨噬細胞NLRP3發炎小體活化及紫外光B誘發角質細胞發炎反應之角色 (2021),提出Skin Eros關鍵因素是什麼,來自於發炎小體、發炎反應、巨噬細胞、紫外光B、角質細胞。

而第二篇論文中原大學 心理學研究所 李怡真所指導 楊朝鈞的 人際情緒調節對於伴侶關係的影響:生理同步的調節效果探討 (2020),提出因為有 人際情緒調節策略、情緒相似性、生理同步、互動品質、關係品質的重點而找出了 Skin Eros的解答。

最後網站Timothée Chalamet's cannibal romance will get under your skin則補充:Bones and All is a brutal cannibal romance that gets under your skin ... symbols of eros his camera's ravenous gaze made fiercely alive.


除了Skin Eros,大家也想知道這些:

Yo sí que cocino / I Do Cook: Recetas sanas, sabrosas y fáciles

為了解決Skin Eros的問題,作者Pérez, Patricia 這樣論述:

Despu s de Yo s que como, Patricia P rez, la coach nutricional de Alaska, revoluciona la gastronom a con Yo s que cocino, un libro de men s saludables para depurar el organismo y ser feliz. Est s harto de ir al supermercado y no saber qu comprar? Eres de los que llenan el carro con snacks, patat

as fritas o chucher as? Llevas una dieta irregular a causa del trabajo? Sufres estr s, retenci n de l quidos o estre imiento? Has empezado a notar que se te cae el pelo, que se te agrieta la piel o que tienes las u as demasiado fr giles? Te gustar a seguir una dieta de depuraci n? Patricia nos d

ice c mo solucionarlo mientras nos divertimos en la cocina y ayudamos a nuestro cuerpo a estar sano.Patricia te propone men s variados y sanos para: - Reducir el estr s.- Decir adi s al estre imiento.- Disfrutar de unas u as, pelo y piel radiantes.- Depurar el organismo.- Ser feliz. Gracias a su est

ilo ameno y did ctico, Patricia nos ense a a hacer la compra, nos explica c mo cocinar los alimentos y confecciona para nosotros men s din micos que podremos ajustar a nuestras necesidades para combatir los problemas que nos asolan -estr s, estre imiento, retenci n de l quidos, depuraci n, piel, pel

o y u as- y que se han convertido en unos compa eros habituales en nuestra ajetreada vida moderna. Bienestar f sico y mental con platos saludables y deliciosos.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONAfter I DO Eat, Patricia P rez, Alaska's nutritional coach, revolutionizes cuisine with I DO Cook, a book of healthy menu

s to purify your body and be happy.Are you tired of going to the supermarket and not knowing what to buy? Are you one of those who fills up your cart with snacks, chips, and goodies? Do you have an irregular diet because of work? Do you suffer from stress, water retention or constipation? Have you s

tarted to notice your hair falling out, your skin getting chapped, or your nails becoming brittle? Would you like to follow a cleansing diet? Patricia shows us how to do this while we have fun in the kitchen and help our bodies be healthy. Patricia suggests varied, healthy menus to: - Reduce stress-

Say goodbye to constipation- Enjoy radiant hair, skin, and nails- Detox your bodyThanks to her enjoyable, instructional style, Patricia teaches us how to go shopping, explains how to cook the food, and concocts dynamic menus that we can adjust to our own necessities to combat the problems we face--

stress; constipation; water retention; detoxing; skin, hair, and nails--and which have become our constant companions in our bustling modern lives. Physical and mental well-being with healthy, delicious meals.

Skin Eros進入發燒排行的影片


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(***) Products are paid to be mentioned

➤ This video contains an integrated ad sponsored by Cetaphil.
As always, all opinions are 100% honest and my own.
Thanks for watching♡

Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1調控巨噬細胞NLRP3發炎小體活化及紫外光B誘發角質細胞發炎反應之角色

為了解決Skin Eros的問題,作者邱鈴雅 這樣論述:

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1)是廣為熟知的修復去氧核醣核酸(DNA)起始酵素,因為它可以催化二磷酸腺苷核糖的聚合反應,修飾並調控DNA修復相關的酵素。更多研究逐漸發現,PARP-1在許多疾病模式中會調控發炎反應,因此我們致力於研究PARP-1如何調控NLRP3發炎小體(inflammasome)活化以及紫外光B誘發之發炎反應。位於胞內的核苷酸結合寡聚化結構域樣受體NLRP3,由於它可以偵測到廣泛的病原體入侵以及源自於細胞損傷釋出的危險訊號因子,進而啟動下游的免疫反應,是很重要的先天免疫反應受體。我們的研究發現,在小鼠骨髓分化巨噬細胞中,NLRP3


體的生成,因此促進發炎小體的活化。我們的研究找到PARP-1調控NLRP3發炎小體活化的嶄新機制,因此PARP-1有潛力成為發展治療IL-1相關疾病的藥物標的。 紫外光會損傷皮膚,造成曬傷、發炎以及相關的皮膚疾病,在第二部分的研究中,我們想了解PARP-1如何調控紫外光B造成的皮膚損傷以及和表皮生長因子受體(EGFR)間的交互作用和其相關的發炎反應。我們發現PARP-1的基因缺損會惡化小鼠對於紫外光B誘發之發炎反應、水分散失以及背部皮膚損傷。在人類原發性角質細胞中,紫外光B會活化PARP-1並在PARP-1基因默化時造成更嚴重的DNA損傷。而紫外光B誘發之環氧合酶-2(COX-2)和基質金

屬蛋白酶-1(MMP-1)的表現,會受到PARP-1基因靜默或其抑制劑所抑制,然而,腫瘤壞死因子阿法(TNF-和白介素-8 (IL-8)的生成卻因此而增強。由於EGFR基因靜默或是用其抑制劑gefitinib會抑制紫外光B誘發之COX-2、TNF-以及IL-8的表現量,顯示EGFR經由旁分泌的活化,會進而影響紫外光B誘發之發炎反應。西方墨點法的結果顯示,抑制PARP-1會降低紫外光B引發之EGFR和p38 MAPK活化,而p38 MAPK抑制劑會明顯抑制紫外光B誘發之發炎反應。值得注意的是,PARP-1或是EGFR的基因靜默都會降低紫外光B誘發之ROS生成,而抗氧化劑NAC會降低紫外光B

引發的EGFR-p38 MAPK訊息傳遞和PARP-1活化。以上結果顯示,在EGFR、PARP-1和ROS之間有相互調控的迴路。因此,紫外光B的刺激下,PARP-1不只是參與DNA修復的功能,同時也會經由EGFR活化及ROS生成間的交互作用,造成下游p38 MAPK的訊息傳遞,進而調控角質細胞的發炎反應。

The Vegetarian

為了解決Skin Eros的問題,作者Han Kang 這樣論述:

2016年曼布克國際獎得主! Winner of 2016 The Man Booker International Prize   我再也沒辦法忍受肉的味道 只有植物能讓我平靜,讓我渴望 就這樣倒立著,變成一棵樹吧……       韓國小說文學獎、今日青年藝術家獎、李箱文學獎、東里文學獎、萬海文學獎得主   首位入圍英國布克獎、備受國際矚目的韓國小說家 韓江 探究人類內心壓抑的瘋狂與傷痕之傑作     ◆2016英國曼布克國際獎得主,榮獲韓國李箱文學獎   ◆美國獨立書商協會排行榜、倫敦標準晚報暢銷文學小說Top2,擊敗暢銷懸疑小說《列車上的女孩》   ◆科斯達文學獎得主、暢銷小說《The

Shock of the Fall》作者納森.費勒盛情推薦   ◆小說改編的同名電影,入圍2010年日舞影展世界劇情片     她想變成一棵樹   現實卻無法成為她的沃土!     在夢裡,我正倒立著……突然發現從我身上冒出了枝葉,從手上長出了樹根……一直伸到地面,不斷地、不斷地……然後從兩腿之間綻放出鮮花……     我應該被澆水。這些食物我不需要,我需要水。     在開始不斷做著充滿殺戮和鮮血的噩夢之前,英惠只是個生活平凡至極的家庭主婦,無數失眠的夜晚和夢中恐怖的景象令她飽受折磨,有一天,她突然無法再吃肉、無法忍受肉的味道,成為了一名「素食者」,這個小小的舉動不但讓她的婚姻陷入危機,並

且成為一連串失控之舉的開端。     英惠的姐夫是個藝術攝影師,正陷入創作的低潮。他從妻子那裡聽說小姨子英惠的臀部至今還留著胎記,突然產生了久違的靈感,身上彩繪著花朵的全裸男女交合的場景,從此鐫刻在他腦海裡。他想要在英惠的裸體上作畫,並拍攝成影片。英惠成為姐夫的模特兒之後,身上的花朵彩繪竟然讓她不再受到夢魘困擾,也重新燃起她的肉體慾望……     因為小時候一同活在被性情暴躁的父親家暴的陰影下,仁惠把照顧妹妹英惠當成這輩子的責任。然而,她內心其實痛恨著住在精神病院逐漸走向瘋狂世界、把一切丟給她的妹妹。看似開朗穩重的仁惠,也曾有過對生活萌生倦怠和絕望,拋下稚子尋死的舉動。痛苦而壓抑的她,是否能帶

著掙扎在噩夢邊緣的英惠,踏上自我救贖新的旅程?     《素食者》由三個章節構成,每章分別以不同的視角刻畫行為日趨極端的素食者英惠。在她斷絕食物的過程中,融合了關於暴力、美、欲望、罪和救贖的疑問。書中出現了多種意象:絢麗的盛開花朵、直挺的陰鬱樹木、花瓣大小的藍綠色胎記、血淋淋的垂死動物與飛翔之鳥,有性的符號,卻非刻意強調煽情。作者行文如詩,捕捉瞬間掠過的情感來勾勒角色無奈又痛苦的命運,有如一則黑暗預言。   【媒體評論】     ◆這個故事恐怖地描繪出身邊人的不可知,即你突然察覺你其實完全不認識身邊的某個人……作品的三段式結構很精彩,逐漸地挖出更深、更黑暗的角落;作者筆法簡潔卻讓人縈繞心頭,最

令人難忘的應該是其中壓倒性的故事高潮,一個幻象似的、但情感上真實的片刻,這必然是今年最強有力的故事之一。這是部獨創、擾動人心與令人難忘的作品。——《出版人週刊》     ◆這部作品以一種幾近於催眠般的寧靜氛圍,被各種超現實的意象和令人驚恐、卻可辨認出的絕望時刻打斷,緊緊抓住了讀者的注意力。韓江的書寫,有力地展現了渴望所具有的毀滅力量,以及選擇去擁抱還是否定這樣的力量。故事用了許多幾乎是奇幻式、教人陌生的細節,深入探索一種非常人性的覺察經驗,也就是當人不再滿足於為何生命僅是如此。一部不凡與迷人的作品,筆法優雅卻強力擾動人心。——《柯克斯評論》     ◆這是韓江第一部在美國問世的作品(希望未來還

能引進更多新作)……小說風格是寫實、心理描述的,絕無留給讀者這是篇童話或變形神話的迴旋空間。我們都喜歡讀女孩的魚尾巴變成了人腿,或胳臂變成了樹枝的故事,但是一個人卻不可能成為一株綠色植物。主角英惠似乎沒有理解,這一切讓她變得危險與受到詛咒。——《哈潑雜誌》     ◆簡潔、驚人的小說……作者以優雅準確的筆法,呈現文化壓迫之下的家庭失和,讓讀者在閱讀中變成主角的同謀。——《圖書館期刊》     ◆多虧了卡夫卡,這部描述南韓女子在放棄肉食之後,身心上有了徹底轉變的故事,會讓你在閱讀過程中掩口大驚。——《歐普拉雜誌》     ◆有一輩的作家,企圖探索每個人命運背後的祕密趨力、野心與苦難的故事,韓江就

是其中之一……這部小說處理了暴力、精神失常、文化的侷限,和身體作為最後避難所與私人空間的價值。——《阿根廷時報》     ◆這部小說裡那種近於變態的誘惑,源自字裡行間的畫面詩意。它們暴力又情色,彷彿惡夢。整部作品像是充滿了大型花卉的房間,濃濃的麝香味掐住你的喉頭。—《綠色阿姆斯特丹人雜誌》     ◆黑暗夢魘、升溫中的緊張、令人戰慄的暴力……這部南韓作品真教人過癮……這是一部官能、刺激和暴力的小說,充滿了強有力的意象、駭人的色彩與讓人不安的質問……逐句讀來,這個故事精彩無比……很難有作品可與之匹敵。——《衛報》     ◆這是一部奇特迷人的小說;故事裡充滿虛無,卻也有著抒情。書寫風格收斂,即使

是描述最狂熱與暴力的片段亦然。這部作品有著超現實和魔法的特質,特別是在描述自然與身體景觀時,讀來是如此動人,儘管諸多磨難圍繞仍不減其美麗。——Arifa Akbar,《獨立報》     ◆這部短短的小說是我讀過最駭人的作品之一……既刺激又富想像力……作者展現了在這個講究禮貌的社會中,自然、性別與藝術如何相互衝撞……那些勇於建立自己身分認同的女人都會被處死。敘事清楚地告訴我們,韓國禮教的壓力謀殺了她們……讓人坐立難安的小說。——Julia Pascal,《獨立報》     ◆奇特、優雅的故事……這個後人類奇幻故事最讓人不解之處,是當身邊人都施以壓迫與否定的世界,主人翁似乎是找到了合理出路。——《

泰晤士報文學增刊》     ◆這部小說很快地以它對內心創痛的毀滅性研究,達到了黑暗、威嚇的才華,類似於天才的日本作家小川洋子……這部作品並非只是對於虐待女性的警示故事,它更是對於折磨與苦難的思索,討論躲避與一位夢想家如何逃脫。更重要的是,故事談的是空虛、所有的希望與安慰都將落空後無計可施的憤怒……探索野蠻之美和令人不安的身體。——《愛爾蘭時報》     本文取自漫遊者文化《素食者》     NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • Publisher’s Weekly •  Buzzf

eed •  Entertainment Weekly •  Time •  Wall Street Journal •  Bustle •  Elle •  The Economist •  Slate •  The Huffington Post • The St. Louis Dispatch •  Electric Literature     Featured in the New York Times selection of "15 remarkable books by women that are shaping the way we read and write ficti

on in the 21st century"     A beautiful, unsettling novel about rebellion and taboo, violence and eroticism, and the twisting metamorphosis of a soul.     Before the nightmares began, Yeong-hye and her husband lived an ordinary, controlled life. But the dreams—invasive images of blood and brutality

—torture her, driving Yeong-hye to purge her mind and renounce eating meat altogether. It’s a small act of independence, but it interrupts her marriage and sets into motion an increasingly grotesque chain of events at home. As her husband, her brother-in-law and sister each fight to reassert their c

ontrol, Yeong-hye obsessively defends the choice that’s become sacred to her. Soon their attempts turn desperate, subjecting first her mind, and then her body, to ever more intrusive and perverse violations, sending Yeong-hye spiraling into a dangerous, bizarre estrangement, not only from those clos

est to her, but also from herself.     Celebrated by critics around the world, The Vegetarian is a darkly allegorical, Kafka-esque tale of power, obsession, and one woman’s struggle to break free from the violence both without and within her.   Review     “Surreal...[A] mesmerizing mix of sex and vi

olence...vivid, chiseled...Like a cursed madwoman in classical myth, Yeong-hye seems both eerily prophetic and increasingly unhinged.” —Alexandra Alter, The New York Times     “Ferocious...[Han Kang] has been rightfully celebrated as a visionary in South Korea… Han’s glorious treatments of agency, p

ersonal choice, submission and subversion find form in the parable. There is something about short literary forms – this novel is under 200 pages – in which the allegorical and the violent gain special potency from their small packages... Ultimately, though, how could we not go back to Kafka? More t

han ‘The Metamorphosis,’ Kafka’s journals and ‘A Hunger Artist’ haunt this text.” —Porochista Khakpour, New York Times Book Review     “Astonishing...Kang viscerally explores the limits of what a human brain and body can endure, and the strange beauty that can be found in even the most extreme forms

of renunciation.” —Entertainment Weekly     "Sometimes how a book or a film puzzles you—how it may mystify even its own creator—is the main point. The way it keeps slithering out of your grasp. The way it chats with you in the parlor even as it drags something nameless and heavy through the woods o

ut back….That’s the spirit in which to approach The Vegetarian… The Vegetarian has an eerie universality that gets under your skin and stays put irrespective of nation or gender.”—Laura Miller,     “This book is both terrifying and terrific.”—Lauren Groff     "The Vegetarian was slim and s

piky and extremely disturbing, and I find myself thinking about it weeks after I finished." Jennifer Weiner,     “The Vegetarian is one of the best novels I’ve read in years.  It’s incredible, daring, and stunningly moving. I loved it.”—Laura van den Berg     "A short novel of sexuality

and madness that deserves its great success.”—Ian McEwan     “If it’s true you are what you read, prepare to be sliced and severed, painted and slapped and fondled and broken to bits, left shocked and reeling on the other side of this stunning, dark star of a book.”—Amelia Gray     “It takes a gift

ed storyteller to get you feeling ill at ease in your own body. Yet Han Kang often set me squirming with her first novel in English, at once claustrophobic and transcendent… Yeong-hye’s compulsions feel more like a force of nature… A sea like that, rippling with unknowable shadow, looks all but impo

ssible to navigate—but I’d let Han Kang take the helm any time.”—Chicago Tribune     “Provocative...shocking.”—The Washington Post     "[An] utterly deserving winner of this year’s Man Booker International Prize...with haunting, almost hallucinatory beauty."—Entertainment Weekly, Best Books of 2016

so far     “This is a deceptive novel, its canvas much larger than the mild social satire that one initially imagines. Kang has bigger issues to raise… The matter of female autonomy assumes urgency and poignancy.”—The Boston Globe     "Compelling...[A] seamless union of the visceral and the surreal.

”—Los Angeles Review of Books     "Indebted to Kafka, this story of a South Korean woman’s radical transformation, which begins after she forsakes meat, will have you reading with your hand over your mouth in shock." —O, the Oprah Magazine     “If you love books that grab you by the throat and keep

you wide-eyed and shocked throughout, you’ve got to pick up Han Kang’s The Vegetarian.”—     "A complex, terrifying look at how seemingly simple decisions can affect multiple lives...In a world where women’s bodies are constantly under scrutiny, the protagonist’s desire to disappear inside of

herself feels scarily familiar."—     "A sharply written allegory that extends far beyond its surreal premise to unexpected depths.”—The Millions     “Visceral and hypnotic.”—Michele Filgate     “An elegant tale, in three parts, of a woman whose sudden turn to veganism disrupts her fam

ily and exposes the worst human appetites and impulses… [a] stripped-down, thoughtful narrative… about human psychology and physiology.”—Huffington Post     "Adventurous readers will be blown away by Han Kang’s The Vegetarian, in which a once-submissive Korean wife’s compulsion to stop eating meat s

pirals out of control. This moving story engages complicated questions about desire, guilt, obligation and madness.”—MORE Magazine     “This elegant-yet-twisted horror story is all about power and its relationship with identity. It’s chilling in the best ways, so buckle in and turn down the lights.”

—     “The Vegetarian is the first—there will be more, let’s hope—of Han Kang’s novels to arrive in the United States…The style is realistic and psychological, and denies us the comfort that might be wrung from a fairy tale or a myth of metamorphosis. We all like to read about girls swapping

their fish tails for legs or their unwrinkled arms for branches, but—at the risk of stating the obvious—a person cannot become a potted bit of green foodstuff. That Yeong-hye seems not to know this makes her dangerous, and doomed.”—Harper’s Magazine     “This haunting, original tale explores the er

os, isolation and outer limits of a gripping metamorphosis that happens in plain sight… Han Kang has written a remarkable novel with universal themes about isolation, obsession, duty and desire.” —Minneapolis Star Tribune     "Complex and strange...Han’s prose moves swiftly, riveted on the scene unf

olding in a way that makes this story compulsively readable...this is a book that demands you to ask important questions, and its vivid images will be hard to shake. This is a book that will stay with you."—St. Louis Post-Dispatch     “Brutally yet beautifully explores the gap between one person’s e

xpression and another’s reception.”—Harvard Crimson     "The Vegetarian is incredibly fresh and gripping, due in large part to the unforgettable narrative structure... Han Kang has created a multi-leveled, well-crafted story that does what all great stories do: immediately connects the unique situat

ion within these pages to the often painful experience of living."—The Rumpus     “Disquieting, thought-provoking and precisely informed.” —Shelf Awareness     “A horror story in its depiction of the unknowability of others—of the sudden feeling that you’ve never actually known someone close to you…

.Its three-part structure is brilliant, gradually digging deeper and deeper into darker and darker places; the writing is spare and haunting; but perhaps most memorable is its crushing climax, a phantasmagoric yet emotionally true moment that’s surely one of the year’s most powerful. This is an inge

nious, upsetting, and unforgettable novel.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)     "[A] spare, spectacular novel...Family dysfunction amid cultural suffocation is presented with elegant precision, transforming readers into complicit voyeurs. Fans of authors as diverse as Mary Karr and Haruki Murakam

i won’t be able to turn away."—Library Journal (starred review)     “Korean writer Han Kang’s elegant yet unsettling prose conveys her protagonist’s brother-in-law’s obsessive, art-centered lust; her sister’s tepid, regret-riddled existence; and Yeong-hye’s vivid, disturbing dreams… Readers will wan

t more of the author’s shocking portrayals of our innermost doubts, beliefs, and longings.”—Booklist     “[A] beautiful and disquieting new novel...concise and swift, its language often almost poetic...haunting.” —Bookpage     "The book insists on a reader’s attention, with an almost hypnotically se

rene atmosphere interrupted by surreal images and frighteningly recognizable moments of ordinary despair. Han writes convincingly of the disruptive power of longing and the choice to either embrace or deny it, using details that are nearly fantastical in their strangeness to cut to the heart of the

very human experience of discovering that one is no longer content with life as it is. An unusual and mesmerizing novel, gracefully written and deeply disturbing."—Kirkus     "Searing...[Yeong-hye’s] extreme efforts to separate herself from her animal appetites reveal the sanity and normality of tho

se closest to her to be mere matchstick houses."—Helen Oyeyemi, author of Boy, Snow, Bird     "Suffused with a sensibility that evokes the matter-of-fact surrealism of Franz Kafka, featuring a female protagonist as engagingly perverse as Melville’s Bartleby, Han Kang’s slender but robust novel addre

sses many vital matters—from the politics of gender to the presumptions of the male gaze, the conundrum of free will to the hegemony of meat—with a dark élan that vegetarians and carnivores alike will find hypnotic, erotic, disquieting, and wise.—James Morrow, author of Galápagos Regained     "A str

ange, painfully tender exploration of the brutality of desire indulged and the fatality of desire ignored, rendered all the more so by Deborah Smith’s exquisite translation."—Eimear McBride, Baileys Women’s Prize-winning author of A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing     "Visceral and terrifying, The Veget

arian is a startling reminder of the utter unknowability of another’s mind. Nonetheless, reading it, you will feel it in your flesh: the desire for peace, a plea for safety, for escape from your own inevitable mortality. It is artfully plotted yet reads like a fever dream, sweeping and surreal. It w

ill leave you aching."—Sarah Gerard, author of Binary Star     "Like a small seed, Han Kang’s startling and unforgettable debut goes to work quietly, but insistently. Her prose is so balanced, so elegant and assured, you might overlook the depths of this novel’s darkness—do so at your own peril."—Co

lin Winnette, author of Haints Stay and Coyote     "The Vegetarian is a story about metamorphosis, rage and the desire for another sort of life. It is written in cool, still, poetic but matter-of-fact short sentences, translated luminously by Deborah Smith, who is obviously a genius."—Deborah Levy,

author of The Unloved and Swimming Home     "The Vegetarian is hypnotically strange, sad, beautiful and compelling. I liked it immensely."—Nathan Filer, 2013 Costa First Novel award-winning author of The Shock of the Fall     "A stunning and beautifully haunting novel. It seems in places as if the v

ery words on the page are photosynthesising. I loved this graceful, vivid book."—Jess Richards, Costa First Novel Award shortlisted author of Snake Ropes     "Poetic and beguiling, and translated with tremendous elegance, The Vegetarian exhilarates and disturbs."—Chloe Aridjis, author of The Book of

Clouds     “Dark dreams, simmering tensions, chilling violence…This South Korean novel is a feast…It is sensual, provocative and violent, ripe with potent images, startling colors and disturbing questions…Sentence by sentence, The Vegetarian is an extraordinary experience… [It] will be hard to beat

.”—The Guardian     "This is an odd and enthralling novel; its story filled with nihilism but lyricism too, its writing understated even in its most fevered, violent moments. It has a surreal and spellbinding quality, especially in its passage on nature and the physical landscape, so beautiful and s

o magnificently impervious to the human suffering around it."—Arifa Akbar, The Independent     “This short novel is one of the most startling I have read… Exciting and imaginative…The author reveals how nature, sex and art crash through this polite society…It is the women who are killed for daring t

o establish their own identity. The narrative makes it clear it is the crushing pressure of Korean etiquette which murders them…[A] disturbing book.”—Julia Pascal, The Independent     "Immediately absorbing...The different perspectives offered are so beautifully distinctive...Every word matters."—Su

nday Herald     "Shocking...The writing throughout is precise and spare, with not a word wasted. There are no tricks. Han holds the reader in a vice grip...The Vegetarian quickly settles into a dark, menacing brilliance that is similar to the work of the gifted Japanese writer Yoko Ogawa in its deva

stating study of psychological pain...The Vegetarian is more than a cautionary tale about the brutal treatment of women: it is a meditation on suffering and grief. It is about escape and how a dreamer takes flight. Most of all, it is about the emptiness and rage of discovering there is nothing to be

done when all hope and comfort fails....A work of savage beauty and unnerving physicality."—Irish Times     “The Vegetarian is a book about the failures of language and the mysteries of the physical. Yet its message should not undermine Han’s achievement as a writer. Like its anti-protagonist, The

Vegetarian whispers so clearly, it can be heard across the room, insistently and with devastating, quiet violence.”—Joanna Walsh, The New Statesman     “[A] strange and ethereal fable, rendered stranger still by the cool precision of the prose… What is ultimately most troubling about Yeong-hye’s pos

t-human fantasies is that they appear to be a reasonable alternative to the world of repression and denial in which everyone around her exists.”—Times Literary Supplement     "The Vegetarian is so strange and vivid it left me breathless upon finishing it. I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel as mout

h-wateringly poetic, or as drenched in hypnotic oddities, taboos and scandal. It seems to have been plucked out of the ether, ready-made to take us all by surprise. Exciting and compelling"—Lee Rourke, New Humanist      "The Vegetarian combines human violence and the possibility of innocence...[A] f

rightening beauty of a novel." -British Council Literature     "Uncanny."—The Australian     "Kang belongs to a generation of writers that aim to discover secret drives, ambitions, and miseries behind one’s personal destiny...[The Vegetarian] deals with violence, sanity, cultural limits, and the val

ue of the human body as the last refuge and private space." -Tiempo Argentino     "[A] bloodcurdlingly beautiful, sinister story."—Linda     "The almost perverse seduction of this book originates in the poetry of the images. They are violently erotic and rather nightmarish; the novel is like a room

full of large flowers, where the musky odour takes you by the throat."—De groene Amsterdammer     "For the fans of Haruki Murakami."—Gazet van Antwerpen (starred review)     "Piercing... I was touched the most by the directness, the images, the poignant phrases and most of all the imagination with w

hich it was written."—nrc Handelsblad     "A shocking, moving and thought-provoking novel."—Trouw       "Outright impressive."—HUMO     "One of the most impressive novels I have read recently... You need to read this book."—Arnon Grunberg in De Volkskrant     "The Vegetarian is exciting and original

."—De Standaard der Letteren (starred review)   作者簡介   韓江     1970年生,韓國文壇新生代暢銷女作家,父親也是小說家。她畢業於延世大學國文系,現任韓國藝術大學文藝創作系教授。她1993年在《文學與社會》季刊發表詩作,隔年以小說《紅錨》榮獲《首爾新聞報》的年度春季文學獎,開始進入文壇;1999年以作品《童佛》贏得「韓國小說文學獎」,2000年贏得「今日青年藝術家獎」,2005年,以中篇小說《胎記》榮獲「李箱文學獎」,成為史上第一位獲此文學大獎的「70後」作家,2010年以《戰鬥氣息》榮獲「東里文學獎」、2014年以《少年來了》榮獲

「萬海文學獎」等等。除了本書《素食者》(2007)之外,她還有《黑鹿》 (1998)、 《你冰冷的手》 (2002)、《希臘語課》 (2011)等小說作品。     2014年她受邀參加倫敦書展,同行者有以《請照顧我媽媽》揚名國際的申京淑、韓國百萬暢銷歷史小說《罪囚645號》作家李正明。在書展期間,多家英美歐媒體對於韓江的小說作品深感興趣,評論她寫作大膽,跳脫舊式的文學框架。有韓國文學評論家稱她為「一位印象派作家,擅長捕捉瞬間掠過的情感,據此勾勒生命裡註定的情感基調,她潛心研究的是絕望至極中才可以感受到的那束微弱救贖之光。」     《素食者》已賣出英、美、德、法、荷、澳洲等國版權,2015年

1月在英國出版後,頻傳好評和暢銷佳績,登上《倫敦標準晚報》暢銷文學小說第2名,將英美暢銷懸疑小說冠軍《列車上的女孩》擠到第4名。美國於2016年2月出版後亦登上獨立書商協會暢銷榜,並入圍2016年的布克獎。     Han Kang was born in 1970 in South Korea. In 1993 she made her literary debut as a poet, and was first published as novelist in 1994. A participant of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Han has won t

he Man Booker International Prize, the Yi Sang Literary Prize, the Today’s Young Artist Award, and the Manhae Literary Prize. She currently works as a professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts.


為了解決Skin Eros的問題,作者楊朝鈞 這樣論述:


