Matriarchal society的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Matriarchal society的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦English De Alminana, Margaret寫的 Kathryn Kuhlman a Theology of Miracles: How Kathryn Kuhlman Was Led by the Holy Spirit in the Greatest Healing Revival Meetings 和Bacon, Eugen的 Claiming T-mo都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站The Iroquois is a Highly Developed Matriarchal Society也說明:Shelley Niro (Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation, born 1954). The Iroquois is a Highly Developed Matriarchal Society. 1991 hand-colored gelatin silver prints, ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺灣藝術大學 美術學系 陳貺怡所指導 郭宥蕙的 從張恩滿創作中談族群身分認同 (2021),提出Matriarchal society關鍵因素是什麼,來自於張恩滿、族群認同、後殖民主義、原住民藝術、原漢衝突。

而第二篇論文慈濟大學 東方語文學系碩士班 黃麗修所指導 吳秀蘭的 阿美文化與祭儀內涵之探討 (2021),提出因為有 物質文化、精神文化、母系社會、年齡階級組織的重點而找出了 Matriarchal society的解答。

最後網站Living in a matriarchal society is better for women's health則補充:BITS 'N' PIECES The Mosuo people are an ethnic group that lives in the Yunnan and Sichuan regions of China. Long isolated from other parts of China—and ...


除了Matriarchal society,大家也想知道這些:

Kathryn Kuhlman a Theology of Miracles: How Kathryn Kuhlman Was Led by the Holy Spirit in the Greatest Healing Revival Meetings

為了解決Matriarchal society的問題,作者English De Alminana, Margaret 這樣論述:

Margaret English de Alminana (Ph.D., University of Wales at Glyndŵr) teaches theology at Southeastern University. She formerly served as Chair, Department of Bible and Theology, Barnett College of Ministry and Theology, and as Executive Director of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. De Alminana al

so serves as co-pastor at Central Assemblies of God, Auburndale, FL, and previously as the senior chaplain of women at Orange County Correctional Facility’s Female Detention Center, overseeing a vibrant ministry for more than 3,000 women in crisis annually. There she developed and launched an in-jai

l, faith-based drug rehabilitation dorm, including the development of corresponding programs and curriculum. She also launched and oversaw an inner-city mission for street women at the heart of Orlando’s red-light district. Her works include: Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Ministry: Informing

an Ongoing Gender-Focused Dialogue on the Faith Contributions of Women, (Brill, 2016), co-editor and contributor; Removing the Veil (Bridge-Logos, 2008); "Aimee Semple McPherson’s Pentecostalism, the Disenfranchised, and the Scopes Monkey Trial," Pneuma; "Scandal and Censure: A Reinvestigation of t

he Socio-Political Forces Surrounding the Disappearance of Aimee Semple McPherson" Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity; "A Biblical Investigation of Matriarchal Structures in Ancient Semitic Life," (JPT); "Incarcerated Women, Reflections on Their Stories," (Priscilla Papers); "R

econnecting with the Mystics: Kathryn Kuhlman and the Reshaping of Early Pentecostalism," (JEPTA). She resides in Winter Haven, Florida, with her husband, Marty. Marty and Peg have three grown children and four grandchildren. She is passionate about prayer and seeing women rise to their full measur

e of calling.


為了解決Matriarchal society的問題,作者郭宥蕙 這樣論述:

在全球化與後殖民主義盛行的當代社會中,形成了現今移居頻繁的社會現象,族群認同逐漸成為了人人開始思考的重要議題。本論文透過原漢藝術家張恩滿的創作來回應後殖民主義中產生的族群認同危機,自幼父母離異的她隨著父親居住在遠離台東家鄉的台北城市,在八八風災後開始了她復返的路徑。  從17世紀開始,居住在台灣島上的原住民族群便開始經歷不同政權的殖民與統治,藝術做為一種反映世界脈動的方式,也在原住民藝術流變的進程中被顯現出來。隨著1980年代原住民運動崛起,原住民藝術家也開始反思何謂原住民藝術?該如何在藝術創作中找尋認同?  張恩滿的作品圍繞在蝸牛、地圖、部落與原漢衝突等議題,透過替蝸牛尋根與紀錄飲


Claiming T-mo

為了解決Matriarchal society的問題,作者Bacon, Eugen 這樣論述:

In this lush interplanetary tale, Novic is an immortal Sayneth priest who flouts the conventions of a matriarchal society by choosing a name for his child. This act initiates chaos that splits the boy in two, unleashing a Jekyll-and-Hyde child upon the universe. Named T-Mo by his mother and Odysseus

by his father, the story spans the boy's lifetime--from his early years with his mother Silhouette on planet Grovea to his travels to Earth where he meets and marries Salem, and together they bear a hybrid named Myra. The story unfolds through the eyes of these three distinctive women: Silhouette,

Salem and Myra. As they confront their fears and navigate the treacherous paths to love and accept T-Mo/Odysseus and themselves, the darkness in Odysseus urges them to unbearable choices that threaten their very existence. Eugen Bacon is a computer scientist mentally re-engineered into creative wr

iting. She has published over 100 short stories and articles, together with anthologies. Her stories have won, been shortlisted and commended in national and international awards, including the Copyright Agency Prize and L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest. Her creative work has appeared in

literary and speculative fiction publications worldwide. Her non-fiction book on writing speculative fiction will be published in 2019 by Palgrave MacMillan.


為了解決Matriarchal society的問題,作者吳秀蘭 這樣論述:

歷經修讀研究所的語言與文化相關課程,進而引發研究者對民族文化深入探討的動機。身為阿美族人,阿美文化的研究順理成章成為本研究的主題方向。本論文主要就阿美族的物質文化、阿美族的精神文化、阿美族的母系社會、日治前阿美族的原貌、日本對阿美族的影響為題展開研究。本研究對於凝聚阿美族人共識、理解、阿美族社會生活文化傳承上的教育意義,以豐富的文字加以記錄保存及承續轉接前人的思想,已得到成果。 文獻探討的主題主要有阿美族物質文化、阿美族精神文化、日治前阿美族的原貌的中英文獻、日本對阿美族的影響的中英日文獻來進行考察,成為本論文內容之主題架構。 研究方法上,首先經過以上主題的相關文獻進行整理與探

討,再者進入田野參與祭儀典禮進行觀察與找具代表性的耆老與頭目進行非結構式的訪談和把整理後之語料進行檢核。蒐集民族誌資料上採取民族誌訪談方法、進行參與觀察。整理和分析民族誌資料後,撰寫民族誌報告。 研究設計與架構中,研究對象為花蓮縣阿美族文化相關工作者6人;研究工具與研究倫理中,工具有參考文獻的主題和設計訪談大綱;倫理方面,參與者自願同意參與、有機會考慮這些資訊提出問題、可隨時退出、確認參與者的參與研究之操作能力、保密、匿名等事宜等同意書所列之事項。研究流程中,先蒐集民族誌資料,之後採取民族誌訪談,再進行參與觀察,最後撰民族誌報告。資料處理與分析中,本研究資料的搜集以文獻閱讀搜集資料、研究

訪談關乎阿美族文化及祭儀的專業及代表人物,幫助研究者釐清經過文獻整理與探討後的概念。依據文獻探討後的基礎,讓受訪者提出對主題之意見或想法,以受訪者能作完整陳述為優先。整理訪談紀錄資料,構思符合的主題並成為本研究的分析依據。蒐集的資料數據將進一步編碼分析,找出文化主題。 研究結果與討論中,訪談結果談論捕魚祭和捕鳥祭與母系社會的相關內涵與問題以及其歷史脈絡,主要是共同討論文化、性別角色等過去與現代之變革及相關之議題;討論主要講述了阿美族的現代婚姻的價值觀、豐年祭儀相關的ㄧ些程序應注意地方、意涵年齡階級及相關的活動、女性對年齡組織之活動與內涵了解有限、長輩對傳統祭儀的期待等概念。 阿美族

精神文化及物質文化章節中主要以文獻探討阿美族的精神文化和物質文化相關文獻,與到阿飛赫參與觀察與紀錄來呈現。 原住民文化之隱憂和展望章節中,主要是探訪阿美族文化工作者AM6後,整理出原住民文化之隱憂、如何保存一個民族的文化、對原住民文化的展望之主題,研究者再進行反思。 結論與建議呈現出回答研究問題的答案,例:普遍參與的年輕人愈來愈多,有想學習及遵循祭儀流程的態度、祭儀不可能恢復傳統、pagarongai為傳令兵,是最重要、活動最多的階層,年齡階層任務訓練多、台東的阿美文化傳統傳統文化保留較花蓮好、pakelang(捕魚及脱聖之意)意義、阿美族精神文化之巫師、共耕共食malapaliw

(共耕)、臺東今僅有豐年祭及捕魚祭祭儀文化活動、mikada’fu入贅之意涵、faki母舅地位高、都市青年對豐年祭的認知和想法、外界對阿美族之刻板印象、從學校學母語、年輕人參與豐年豐年祭儀活動的意願、從學校學母語等。 未來傳統祭儀文化可仿照或參考專家學者所設計之流程與方法。研究者認為,任何傳統文化與祭儀活動的設計規劃,其目的及核心內涵不宜偏廢;未來可複製此研究的調查方法來進行特定族群與場域的情形,依所設計的研究目的來進行資料的分析。