摩斯嫩雞沙拉的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

摩斯嫩雞沙拉的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦蘇布西亞.瑪塔寫的 中東媽媽的私房菜 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站超圖解行銷個案集:成功實戰個案分析 - 第 221 頁 - Google 圖書結果也說明:目前居國內最大速食連鎖店,遙遙領先肯德基、摩斯漢堡及漢堡王等競爭對手。400 家 ... (1)漢堡主餐:蕈菇安格斯黑牛堡、辣脆雞腿堡、嫩煎雞腿堡、凱撒脆雞沙拉、大麥克、 ...

最後網站新月廣場附近美食餐廳 - jusaat.online則補充:主廚沙拉,配料滿豐富新鮮好吃(全國通用哦) 西堤外帶餐繼上次的美味中式 ... (西堤牛排、古拉爵、瓦城)、輕食咖啡(星巴克、伯朗咖啡館、摩斯漢堡)、蘭 ...




為了解決摩斯嫩雞沙拉的問題,作者蘇布西亞.瑪塔 這樣論述:

  中東驚宴,自己料理!   當埃及的克夏利和約旦的姆沙卡在餐桌上相遇時,這齣味覺的異國戀將會如何發展?  當赫摩斯、巴巴嘎努和庫斯庫斯在餐桌上跳躍,又會讓味蕾擦出什麼樣的火花?  且讓荳蔻、茴香、鷹嘴豆粉墨登場,演繹出豐富又奇妙的阿拉伯好味道!  The Best of Simple-Classic-Healthy-Homely Arabic Cuisine Cooking.   作者蘇布西亞.瑪塔,1952年出生於黎巴嫩,畢業於伊拉克巴格達烹飪職業學院(Bagdad Institute for Cooking)。結婚後,跟隨先生旅居西亞、中東、北非及歐洲各國,精通廚藝的蘇布西亞.瑪塔受到各

國飲食文化的刺激與薰陶,四十多年來,手邊累積的私房菜譜已經厚厚三大本,壓箱底的好滋味深深感動有緣自遠方來的台灣媳婦,特別將中東婆婆蘇西亞的家鄉味,融合各國的飲食經驗而彙集成這本中英對照食譜,讓喜愛嘗鮮又愛動手下廚的人,能有更多不一樣的菜色選擇!   這本食譜包含了中東各國所有傳統、美味、簡單的阿拉伯料理,有沙拉與開胃小菜、湯品、米飯、蔬菜類、肉類、海鮮、點心、阿拉伯甜點、私房甜點、飲品等共70多道中東最道地私房菜,也一一說明醬料特色。除了追求口感之外,更重視均衡營養的飲食,加上各地的異國料理,讓阿拉伯菜做起來更簡易,同時能符合讀者大眾的口味。你同時也會發現,這些簡易料理的作法,兼具傳統及現代,

將帶你在烹飪阿拉伯菜中享受更多健康與快樂。   更多精彩內容請看www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9789866047350.pdf 本書特色   ◎市面上介紹中東料理的書籍少之又少,本書是集結約旦媽媽蘇布西亞.瑪塔的家常食譜,讓我們一探中東料理的真面目。  ◎「即使是好吃,也可以很健康」──作者想告訴大家,不論是哪國的料理,美味跟健康都是可以並重的。  ◎收錄70多道食譜都詳細的列出步驟,讓烹飪新手也可以輕鬆上手。 作者簡介 蘇布西亞.瑪塔 Subhieh Abdalla Ali Matar   1952年出生於黎巴嫩,小時候居住在伊拉克多年,畢業於伊拉克

巴格達烹飪職業學院(Bagdad Institute for Cooking)。18歲與先生結婚後,跟隨先生旅居西亞、中東、北非及歐洲各國,精通廚藝的蘇布西亞.瑪塔受到各國飲食文化的刺激與薰陶,如:黎巴嫩、埃及、利比亞、伊拉克、摩洛哥、法國、阿曼、阿拉伯聯合國、泰國及台灣。   蘇布西亞.瑪塔對於烹飪的熱忱超過40餘年,她決定寫下自己的烹飪心得與經驗,分享給每一位喜歡烹飪的人,第一本出版是中英對照的中東家常料理,她的最大希望是能帶給喜歡烹飪的人不一樣的新滋味。   Subhieh Abdalla Ali Matar is a Lebanese national and was born in

Lebanon 1952. She lived in Iraq for four years in her childhood, and studied in Bagdad Institute for Cooking. After she was married at age of 18, she followed her husband to travel in West Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. On top of the gifted cooking talent she has, she was inspired by m

any countries and food cultures, such as Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Morocco, France, Oman, UAE, Thailand, and Taiwan.   Subhieh has extreme passion for cooking over 40 years and for this she is desiring to share her experience by writing a cook book dedicated for every person has the passi

on for cooking. The first cook book is about Arabic Homely Dish published by Chinese-English language, and her best wish is to bring something different to the people who like cooking.   mamas-dish.com  mamas-dish-tw.com  [email protected] 沙拉與開胃小菜Salad and appetizer黎巴嫩塔布里沙拉 Lebanese Tabouli Sala

d黎巴嫩法透敘沙拉 Lebanese Fattoush Salad黎巴嫩美乃滋鮮魚沙拉 Lebanese Fish with Mayonnaise埃及橄欖油漬茄子 Egyptian Eggplant Pickle with Oil中東菠菜沙拉 Spinach Salad中東鷹嘴豆沙拉 Chickpeas Salad中東赫摩斯(鷹嘴豆泥) Hummus(Mashed Chickpeas)中東石榴碳烤茄子泥 Grilled Eggplant (Baba Ghanoug)阿拉伯泡菜 Arabic Vegetable Pickle阿拉伯醃漬小黃瓜 Cucumber Pickle阿拉伯醃漬檸檬 Boil

ed Lemon Pickle 湯品Soup黃金扁豆濃湯 Lentil Cream Soup什錦海鮮湯 Mix Seafood Soup綠花椰菜濃湯 Green Cream Soup奶油濃湯 Cream Soup北非羊肉湯 North African Lamb Soup中東米湯 Rice Soup洋蔥鮮雞濃湯 Onion and Chicken Soup五色蔬菜湯 Vegetable Soup中東羊腸湯 Chitterling Soup 主食與米飯Staple food and rice約旦國菜─曼沙夫─酸奶羊肉燉飯 Jordanian Mansaf約旦國菜─姆沙卡─松子洋蔥焗雞 Jordan

ian Musakhan中東釀餡雞 Stuffed Chicken with Rice and Meat中東名菜─馬克路巴─茄子羊肉燉飯 Maklube-Rice with Meat and Eggplant中東─沙亞地─魚排燉飯 Sayadieh-Fish with Rice沙烏地─卡巴沙─雞肉燉飯 Saudi and Arab gulf recipe-Kabsseh埃及奶油燉飯 Egyptian Roasted Rice埃及─克夏利─扁豆燉番茄 Egyptian Koshari-Lentil with Tomato黎巴嫩─姆加達─洋蔥燉扁豆 Lebanese Mujaddara-Lenti

l with Onion黎巴嫩─烏西─松子羊肉佐飯 Lebanese Ozi-Lamb with Rice 主食與蔬菜類Staple food and vegetable摩洛哥鮮蔬燉羊腿 Moroccan Couscous中東鄉村葡萄葉捲飯 Vine Leaves with Rice中東高麗菜捲 Stuffed Cabbage埃及西葫蘆鑲肉 Egyptian Stuffed Marrow菠菜燉扁豆 Lintel with Spinach中東菠菜燉雞肉 Spinach with Chicken埃及秋葵燉肉 Egyptian stew Okra with Meat埃及洋薊燉羊肉 Egyptian

Artichoke with Meat 主食與肉類Staple food and meat埃及貝夏美焗烤茄子 Egyptian Msaqaah中東番茄燉肉 Meat with Tomato中東芝麻珍珠丸 Mid-Eastern Kofta-Meatballs伊拉克糖醋排骨 Iraqi Sweet and Sour奶油檸檬烤雞 Chicken with Butter and Lemon埃及大牛排 Egyptian Scallop Steak燒烤羊肉排 Roasted Lamb with Bone中東烤肉排 Meat in Oven中東風味烤肉串 Barbecue中東卡巴 Kebab-Grille

d Fingers中東家常沙威瑪 Homely Shawarma中東風味雞 Grilled Chicken 主食與海鮮Staple food and seafood中東魚排 Fried Fish中東鮮魚捲餅 Fish Roll鳳梨磨菇奶焗鮮魚 Fish with Pineapple and Creamy Mushroom 熟食與點心Delicatessen黎巴嫩炸肉丸 Lebanese fried Kibbeh優格珍珠丸 Kibbeh with Yoghurt中東餡餅 Meat with Dough中東薩布沙餡餅 Meat Sambousek洋蔥番茄烤薄派 Meat pies with Ara

bic Bread阿拉伯手工香腸 Sausage伊拉克米丸子 Iraqi fried Kibbeh with Rice香酥雞球 Chicken Crockett 阿拉伯甜點Arab dessert埃及蜂蜜蛋糕 Egyptian Basbosah埃及烏姆阿里 Egyptian Um Ali埃及克納菲甜點 Egyptian Konafah黎巴嫩堅果奶油慕斯 Lebanese Esh Al Saraya黎巴嫩椰棗小脆餅 Lebanese Dates Ma’amoul 私房甜點Private dessert全蛋海棉蛋糕 Sponge Cake水果奶油慕斯 Sweet White咖啡奶油蛋糕 Coffe

e with Cream Cake巧克力慕斯蛋糕 Chocolate Mousse Cake草莓水果撻 Strawberry Jam Tart椰子蛋糕 Coconut Biscuits 飲品Drink莓果氣泡果汁 Berry Juice with -up藍天雞尾果汁 Sun Blue Cocktail Juice檸檬奇異果汁 Kiwi and Lemon Juice中東薄荷檸檬 Lemon and Mint Juice香蕉牛奶冰沙 Banana Milk Shake巧克力牛奶冰沙 Chocolate Milk Shake 附錄Appendix棕醬Brown Sauce 白醬White and

Light Sauce 法式貝夏美白醬 French Bechamel Sauce磨菇醬Mushroom Sauce 中東咖哩醬Kari Sauce 番茄醬Tomato Sauce 皮薩醬Pizza Sauce 甜橙醬Cambasi Sauce 美乃滋 Mayonnaise Sauce馬鈴薯美乃滋 Mayonnaise Sauce with Boiled Potato奶油檸檬醬 Butter and Lemon Sauce薄荷醬Mint Sauce 優格醬Yoghurt Sauce 巧克力醬 Chocolate Sauce焦糖巧克力肉桂醬 Caramel,Chocolate and Cinna

mon Sauce麵包或麵皮用麵糰 Bread Dough皮薩或派用麵糰 Pizza and Pies Dough可頌或派用餅皮 Boric Dough with Cheese(Bate) 食材購買資訊Ingredient Buying Information 作者序   僅將這本書獻給養育我的父母、親愛的子女和所有喜歡烹飪的人。   我喜歡嘗鮮,打從年輕時期,我就到許多國家旅行,每到一個新的國家,最大的興趣就是到處走走逛逛,尤其是超市或市集,除了能了解當地生活文化,還能享受地方美食,雖然嘗遍了各國料理,但最重要的,我認為還是要「健康飲食」。   這本食譜包含了中東各國所有傳統、美味、簡單

的阿拉伯料理。除了追求口感之外,我更重視均衡營養的飲食。它的特色是結合我過去多年的烹飪經驗,加上各地的異國料理,讓阿拉伯菜做起來更簡易,同時能符合讀者大眾的口味。你同時也會發現,這些簡易料理的作法,兼具傳統及現代,將帶你在烹飪阿拉伯菜中享受更多健康與快樂。   我希望這本書能讓你覺得煮出好吃的阿拉伯菜不再花費太多金錢,更不需要過多複雜的步驟,簡單輕鬆就能親近你的生活。   蘇布西亞.瑪塔   I dedicate this book firstly to my parents who raised me, to my beloved daughter and sons and to the p

eople who cooks with passion. I traveled to many countries since I was young, so with every land I visited my passion was going to the local food markets, where I can learn about the local life, and enjoy the local food. Although I have tried various delicious cuisines, but I can say out of my exper

ience the healthy food is the most important.   You will find in this book all traditional, delicious and simple recipes of Arabic dishes from various kitchens in the Middle East. While writing this book I was careful to deliver a delicious food, with balanced basic nutrition elements. Due to my pre

vious cooking experience, I integrated Arabic cuisine with various world kitchens to make the tastes suit all people. This book contains of old and modern recipes to let you enjoy a healthy Arabic food cooking.   I hope this book can help readers to feel the Arabic dishes which are neither costly no

r complex, and bring it closer to your life.   Subhieh Abdalla Ali Matar