Learning foreign lan的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Learning foreign lan的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Wen-ChuanLin,MichaelByram寫的 New Approaches to English Language and Education in Taiwan:Cultural and Intercultural Perspectives 和Wenli Tsou,Shin-Mei Kao的 Resources for Teaching English for Specific Purposes都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自東華 和所出版 。

國立陽明交通大學 英語教學研究所 林律君所指導 劉慧玲的 運用同儕協助學習策略發展台灣國小五年級學生之英語閱讀能力之研究 (2021),提出Learning foreign lan關鍵因素是什麼,來自於同儕學習策略、社會文化理論、閱讀正確性、閱讀順暢性、閱讀理解力。

而第二篇論文國立屏東大學 特殊教育學系碩士班 林官蓓所指導 藍雅潔的 一位視障音樂教育者之生命故事 (2021),提出因為有 視覺障礙、音樂教育者、生命故事、敘事研究的重點而找出了 Learning foreign lan的解答。


除了Learning foreign lan,大家也想知道這些:

New Approaches to English Language and Education in Taiwan:Cultural and Intercultural Perspectives

為了解決Learning foreign lan的問題,作者Wen-ChuanLin,MichaelByram 這樣論述:

  Of the following twelve chapters, eight are based on doctoral dissertations, supervised by Professor Michael Byram at Durham University in England, and the other four are invited chapters by scholars from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan, who also base their contribution

s on their doctoral research. The editors hope to show in this way the relevance of doctoral research and the importance of making it widely known.   The book is divided into four parts. In the first part there are two chapters which contextualize language teaching by historical analysis of the sig

nificance of languages in Taiwan. In Chapter 1, (Towards an intercultural citizenship community: monoculturalism or interculturalism?), Mei-Lan Huang presents a historical analysis of the evolution of language education and monoculturalism in Taiwan after 1945. Her chapter analyzes the relationship

between the ideology of Chinese monoculturalism and its language education on the one hand, and on the other hand the development of imagined Taiwanese monoculturalism and its efforts in building the concept of a Taiwanese nation through reviving Taiwanese local native languages in present and futur

e language education. It is based on document analysis and interviews with key figures in Taiwan recalling their childhood experience of education.   In Chapter 2, (Identity, education, and language: a case study in Taiwan), Grace Lee analyzes how language attitudes in Taiwan play out in people’s l

ives, some traces of which are also present in Chapter 1. Here, however, the objective was to look, in a detailed and chronological analysis, at the life history of one Taiwanese woman who lived through three educational systems in Taiwan. Her life story, collected through multiple interviews, is ex

amined for moments and experiences which depict her views on her identity, and analyzed with particular attention to the relationship between identity, language and education.   The second group of chapters brings the focus onto the experiences of learners in the education system today at the cruci

al moments of transition from one level to the next.  In Chapter 3, (Challenging the pedagogical discontinuity in EFL between elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan), Wen-Chuan Lin addresses the need to solve problems of elementary-junior high school transition and ensure continuity in pedagog

ical practice between the two social settings. His study explores differences in students’ access to EFL learning in four Taiwanese junior high schools and challenges the myth of “the earlier the better in learning foreign languages” when there is no consideration of issues of transition between ele

mentary and junior high. Implications pertaining to elementary-junior high progression in pedagogical practice are discussed which may inform practitioners and policy makers who are concerned with the gap in EFL learning and teaching.   In Chapter 4, (Cultures of learning in English language classr

ooms in Taiwan during the transition year from elementary to junior high school), Chin-Pin Chen develops further the issue of elementary-junior high school transition with an analysis of discursive patterns which influence and inform the transitional year. This chapter addresses the question of “who

le-class teaching, individual testing” and its implications for the transitional process. Despite the apparent similarities in terms of teachers’ design of whole-class teaching activities and conducting of individual tests before and after transition, the meanings of tests are probably different, in

dicating possible discontinuity of cultures of learning between the two educational phases. Since teachers from both educational phases hardly have opportunity to meet each other, a certain degree of mistrust can arise, and none of this is to the benefit of students moving from one educational phase

to the other.   The next group of chapters concentrates even more on learners and learning processes.  In Chapter 5, (EFL learners developing critical intercultural awareness through process drama), Wen-ling Irene Chen challenges the role of foreign languages teaching and learning in the reproduct

ive purpose of education systems. Her study addresses the significance and urgency of developing “critical intercultural awareness” (CIA) in Taiwan students’ language learning experience, by describing an action research project that explores how and why CIA can be developed in process drama praxis

in the context of Advanced English Learners’ Programs for junior high school students in Taiwan.   In Chapter 6, (A cooperative task-based learning approach to motivating low achieving readers of English in a Taiwanese university), Tsu-Chia Julia Hsu analyzes the problem of some first-year universi

ty students in Taiwan who had low English scores in their university entrance examinations, and who did not necessarily perform at their full potential in English language. Her study seeks an effective approach to the teaching of reading, one that will help these students to enhance their confidence

and motivation. The approach includes cooperative learning and Task-Based Language Teaching, which encourages frequent interactions and positive involvements that are crucial for reinforcing motivation. A new pedagogy integrating these two methods was thus developed and applied.   In Chapter 7, (A

study of translation teaching in a university of science and technology in Taiwan), Hsiu-Tzu Charlene Shen argues that translation studies is seen as a significant facilitator in the nation’s competitiveness in a globalized economy, and has developed as a discipline in the past two decades to answe

r the call from government for a response to globalization. Given the limited literature about Translation Studies curriculum development in Taiwan and taking into account the students’ interests in a technological university context, her study investigates whether students will learn effectively or

perform better when taught with a curriculum which is derived from their needs.   Finally, in this section, Chapter 8, (Promoting the cultural dimension in EFL teaching: a turning point for English education in Taiwan), Yau Tsai argues that the promotion of the cultural dimension in EFL teaching i

s the key factor which can help students to develop the intercultural communicative competence needed in a global society. Her study explains the characteristics of intercultural communicative competence and the reasons why promoting the cultural dimension in EFL teaching leads to the development of

this competence. Through the analysis of group interviews with students, relevant problems impeding the promotion of the cultural dimension in EFL teaching are identified and then suggestions are made for both the Ministry of Education and English teachers in Taiwan.   In the fourth and final grou

p of chapters the focus is on teachers, on their classroom activities and on their professional development. In Chapter 9, (Analyzing EFL team-teaching in Taiwanese elementary English education: an intercultural perspective), Shu-Hsin Chen analyzes “team teaching”, a phenomenon often seen in element

ary and/or secondary EFL classrooms in some East Asian countries, including Taiwan, where the fact that cultural differences between local teachers and foreign teachers affect team teaching effectiveness, is receiving increasing attention. Aiming at understanding how teachers of EFL conceptualize th

eir team teaching experience, this ethnographic study elicited interview data from local and foreign teachers of EFL in Taiwan. The intercultural team teaching capacity (ITTC) model provides a useful source for future research and training programme development in the areas of TESOL, ELT, intercultu

ral education, intercultural communication, and multicultural team management.   In Chapter 10, (The journey of sixty adventurers to becoming English language teachers in Taiwan) Wei-Yan Miguel Li evaluates the success of ELT initial teacher education in Taiwan. The effectiveness and practicality o

f the training contents and the outcomes of different training programmes are investigated. One central concept needs clarifying: what is expected in an able ELT? It is only with a clear idea of an answer to this question that the evaluation of training programs is possible, to establish if they are

providing training in accordance with what the trainees need for their future teaching profession. A framework of required professional competencies (FRPC) is developed which characterizes a competent language teacher and is a basis for evaluation of courses.   In Chapter 11, (An online teacher pr

ofessional development framework for Taiwanese English teachers in supplementary schools: undoing self-marginalization), Pai-Hsien Aiden Yeh argues that Taiwanese English teachers in supplementary schools are often marginalized. This is partially caused by widespread discrimination in Taiwan where p

eople hold a strong misconception that only those with native-speaker-like features can be considered as “true native English speaker teachers”. Her study shows that to become an effective EFL teacher, one must be motivated to gain improvements in professional skills, stay committed to the professio

n, and keep the passion for teaching and learning burning. Perhaps more importantly, it shows that engaging in continuous teacher professional development can be a form of self-empowerment; improving themselves professionally can boost teachers’ sense of identity as language teachers.   In Chapter

12, (Towards a global citizenship: the intercultural competence development of Taiwanese university teachers through short-term study abroad), I-Jane Janet Weng is concerned with the promotion of intercultural citizenship which favors multiculturalism and equality in preparing students in a global c

ommunity. Her study seeks to expand the focus of research to report the learning experience of seven Taiwanese university teachers who participated in a short-term overseas tour. She found that an authentic and rich intercultural short study abroad program can serve as an effective way in fostering

the intercultural competence of university teachers. The intercultural experience helps them transform personally and professionally to teach with new approaches to promote intercultural citizenship.   Wen-Chuan Lin and Michael Byram   In an age of globalization, English as a foreign language (EFL

) is generally assumed to be the pivotal element in global communication. Crystal (2003) described English as a “global language”, given its geographical-historical and socio-cultural influences, and people in Taiwan tend to assume that anything involving English must be good. In Taiwan, learning En

glish as an international language has become vital to its economy in terms of providing access to the world community, and is viewed as one of the keys to success in Taiwan’s economic globalization and modernization. Being able to speak English carries considerable prestige and it is generally beli

eved that speaking better English fuels upward mobility in terms of occupation and social status. However, official views of economic and international exigency tend to see the overall decline in the national examination results for EFL learning as disappointing (e.g., Chang, 2006) and this gives ri

se to a growing public concern about young people’s capacity for communicating across the world in English.   The authors of this book are EFL teachers and researchers who have years of EFL teaching experiences at various educational levels in Taiwan. They have searched for practical examples of in

novation or illustrations of empirical findings from their research work -predominantly from their doctoral studies -dealing with either their analyses of EFL teaching on a mundane daily basis or their understanding of the contemporary EFL context and its historical origins. The nature of the book t

herefore is a reflection and reconceptualization of EFL teachers’ and researchers’ practice through scientific inquiry. The purpose is to provide new insights such as cultural and intercultural approaches to English teaching and learning.   This book is written however not only for Taiwanese reader

s but also for readers in other Asian regions such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Korea who are concerned with EFL language and education as much as professionals in Taiwan. For the editors and contributors are convinced that the issues raised are common throughout East Asia and that a co

operative approach to analysis and resolution is the best way forward.  


為了解決Learning foreign lan的問題,作者劉慧玲 這樣論述:

眾人普遍認同閱讀教學法能有效防止兒童閱讀困難。其中一種閱讀教學法是同儕輔助學習策略(Peer-assisted learning strategies,PALS),其廣泛運用於各領域以增進學生閱讀技巧。因此本研究目的在比較同儕輔助學習策略與傳統閱讀教學應用在台灣五年級學生英語閱讀正確性、流暢性及理解力之效用。本實驗採用準實驗設計,招募兩個班級,共49人。兩個班隨意分配為實驗組及對照組。實驗組學生兩兩一組學習;對照組學生接受教師主導之傳統閱讀教學。兩組學生接受每週兩次共17週之實驗。本實驗兼採取量化及質化研究法,蒐集前後測驗量化資料,並透過教室觀察、實地筆記及與四位PALS組學生半結構式訪談蒐


定的教學法與測驗教材之差異,導致學生並未具備適當的閱讀技巧。最後,本實驗並未實施複述活動(retelling)於”夥伴閱讀與複述”(Partner Reading with Retell)活動中,因為本實驗著重於訓練學生改正單字識別錯誤,而忽略檢查學生的短文閱讀理解。雖然,此實驗結果與之前的PALS實驗結果不同。但是,質化資料顯示PALS幫助學生獲得更高的閱讀學習興趣及透過同儕輔助教學強化學生自身學習。基於本實驗發現PALS可被視為增進學生合作行為及改變學生對於閱讀學習態度的一種實用的學習工具。建議未來實施閱讀的老師能增進實驗的密集度及降低測驗難度以符合學生閱讀發展。關鍵字: 同儕學習策略、閱


Resources for Teaching English for Specific Purposes

為了解決Learning foreign lan的問題,作者Wenli Tsou,Shin-Mei Kao 這樣論述:

  Teaching Resources for ESP is a comprehensive resource book providing innovative and effective examples of practice from the viewpoint of practitioners. Included are chapters by experts who have reflected and written on various aspects of ESP. The volume is about the initial and continuing educati

on of ESP teachers and thus can serve as a useful handbook for pre- and in-service teachers. Practitioners will find useful guidelines and suggestions for working with learners in higher education or in professional settings.   Teaching Resources for ESP:   •Combines theory and practice in every ch

apter, showing how theories influence classroom practice;   •Features contributors who are both ESP researchers and practitioners;   •Discusses problems that are common in ESP classrooms and offers solutions based on classroom experiences;   •Provides practical guidelines and case studies on course

design;   •Proposes ways that ESP teachers and subject experts can collaborate with one another;   •Presents innovative ideas on ESP assessment; and   •Grounds pedagogical practice in real teaching experience. Contents Foreword Acknowledgements List of Contributors Chapter 1  Introd

uction Section 1 Critical Issues Chapter 2  Teacher empowerment Wenli Tsou Chapter 3 EIL and intercultural competence in ESP contexts Meei-Ling Liaw Chapter 4  Collaboration between ESP and EMI Teachers Mei-Ling Tsai Section 2   Teaching and Learning Chapter 5  Needs analysis and ESP curriculum de

sign Chiou-Lan Chern Chapter 6 Projected-based ESP instruction: A process of collaborative authentication Ching-Kang Liu Chapter 7     Authenticity in materials development and task design Fay Chen Chapter 8  Introducing ESP courseware into the classroom Shu-Chiao Tsai Section 3 Assessment Chapter

9  Planning assessment in ESP programs Benjamin Wang Chapter 10 Performance assessment: A collaborative process to facilitate learning in the ESP classroom Shin-Mei Kao 作者簡介   Wenli Tsou is a Full Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Tai

wan. She received her PhD in Foreign and Second Language Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo, US. She is the project leader of the National Cheng Kung University ESP program.   Shin-Mei Kao is an Associate Professor at the same department. She received her PhD in Foreign Lang

uage Education from the Ohio State University, US. She is the coordinator of the English Eagle Project, a pioneer English program for non-majors as part of the Top University Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, ROC.


為了解決Learning foreign lan的問題,作者藍雅潔 這樣論述:

  本研究以一位視覺障礙音樂教育者進行深度訪談,針對視覺障礙音樂教育者小鶯的生命歷程、求學與成年工作階段所面臨困境、解決策略及成功因素進行探討,並運用敘事研究方法進行資料分析,其研究結果摘要如下:1. 小鶯的生命歷程是屬於一個動態、不斷前進的過程,可分成三個階段:(1)童年時期原生家庭與童年經驗,是影響從事音樂教學的契機;(2)求學過程學琴開始就立定志向,善用資源使目標更有方向;(3)成年工作階段歷經教學工作、大學求學及中年人生,在音樂教學上不僅把職業轉化成終生的志業,成為影響他人的音樂老師,而個人開始跨越不同教育體制階段到大學讀書,重新詮釋障礙定義突破學習上的限制,邁向中年人生時有宗教與音

樂的支持,讓小鶯的心靈是富足且不寂寞人生。2. 求學過程遇到困境包括有「排斥學習點字」、「視譜能力受限」及「不懂外語歌詞」等,皆因障礙所導致學習的問題,其克服求學困境的解決策略方式,多以自身努力與堅持完成各種挑戰與任務。3. 成年工作階段包含有教學工作及大學求學部分,因此所遇到困境包括有「家長及學生不信任」、「行動能力限制」、「社會歧視與收入限制」、「不知讀書技巧與重點」及「摸讀點字慢」等六項,在克服困境解決策略上,小鶯採取從不同工作問題中奮起,找到解決與自處之道,證明自我在教學上的定位,其在課業部分以主動積極模式從錯誤中改善,促使學業成績逐漸好轉。4. 了解視覺障礙者小鶯成為一位音樂教育者之

成功因素,包括有(1)深受父母教育影響,不因障礙而感受到與他人不同或自卑;(2)老師善用小鶯優勢與能力,是促使成為音樂教育者的關鍵;(3)自我成就歸功於上帝,宗教信仰是支持的力量;(4)個人所具備的特質,是邁向成功的先決條件。  最後期望藉由本研究結果與結論,可供實務教育工作者、視覺障礙者家長及未來研究提出相關建議。